In the Land of Spices


With the ebb and flow of life we have found ourselves scattered by the recent events in Afghanistan. Though our team is physically in a total of four different countries, our hearts bleed the same red, green and black colors of the former Afghan flag.

We are truly experiencing what it means to live a life in tension. Our women are fighting for contentment under an oppressive government. Afghanistan as a country is fighting for economic stability under this new regime. Our staff outside of the country is fighting the desire to want to be back in Afghanistan with friends and family. 

Some of us find ourselves in India, or Hindustan as it is called in Farsi. With the fast-paced life of a big city in India, we are constantly called back to a sense of calm when we think of the daily difficulties that our weavers and their families face. At a time when it is most crucial to help support our women emotionally and financially, we are working diligently to provide support to our weaving community and to our clients by continuing to offer diverse and ethical home furnishings.

A little bit of a silver lining…What do we know about India?! It is the land of textile artistry and we are blessed to learn all about block printing, hand stitching and dyeing techniques. Just like each bite of tikka masala is packed full of flavor, each city in India has a flavorful burst of textile art.

To you our clients, your purchases, feedback and encouragement help us fight for contentment in all these unknown situations. Seeking a better life for our weavers and fresh product for our customers, this holiday season we are offering a mixture of small batch and striving for zero-waste items. These pieces continue to be produced with love and craftsmanship, coming from both Afghanistan and India.

New products being released the first week of November!


Qadimi: Our Narrative


The Landscape, Culture & Women of Qadimi -